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  • Staying Positive Throughout the Storm

    What a year it has been! This year has definitely tested our faith in more ways than one. Our usual supply quantities are low and their costs have ...
  • Our story

    A few years ago Loop News did an amazing feature on our business. To read, click the link below:
  • Phthalate-free Fragrances

    ‘Phthalates’ is the name of a group of chemicals that have multiple uses. Within the group, there are different types of phthalates that are used...
  • Our Island Chandlery

    Our Chandlery is located on the magical island of Jamaica. We are a small business and make small batches of products for our growing community. B...
  • Benefits of Soy Wax

    Candles come in all shapes, fragrances and ... waxes. When it comes to choosing candles, there's more to think about than just scent and aroma. ...